
Ruth Dawkins is impressed by the beautiful Mirazozo... but her toddler son isn't so sure.

kids review (edinburgh) | Read in About 1 minute
Published 06 Aug 2011

At two years old, my son Tom is too young to be an official reviewer, but he’s still keen to have his thoughts on Mirazozo recorded. “It’s too big,” he says. “And I didn’t like taking my shoes off. My feet got wet.”

So there you have it. 1200 square metres of colour, light, and sound, brought down to size by one opinionated toddler. In fairness to the Architects of Air, Tom did say that he “liked the purple bits.”

Mirazozo is a beautiful walk-through sculpture, which fully engages all the senses. The mistake that has been made is trying to appeal to everyone. You can’t put something that looks like a giant bouncy castle in the Children’s section of the programme, and then tell kids that they can’t run around in it. Nor can you sell it as a quiet, meditative, experience and then encourage chatterboxes like my son to come in.

I sincerely hope that Mirazozo becomes a permanent Fringe feature, but in future it would benefit hugely from dedicated family and non-family time slots.